Summer of God Christian school
1522 S. Murray Avenue, Anderson, SC 29624
School Operating Hours:
Monday – Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
School Calendar 2023 – 2024
Friday, September 1 First Day of School – Student Orientation
Monday, September 4 Labor Day Holiday – No School
Tuesday, September 5 First Day of Classes
Friday, November 3 End of 1st Quarter
Monday-Tuesday, Nov. 6-7 Teachers in Service Days (ACE Leadership Summit) – No School
Monday-Friday, Nov. 20-24 Fall Break
Thurs. Dec. 21–Tues. Jan 2 Christmas Break
Friday, January 12 End of 2nd Quarter
Wednesday, January 17 Parent/Teachers Fellowship (Report Cards)
Friday, March 15 End of 3rd Quarter
Thurs. Mar. 28 - Fri. April 5 Spring Break
Friday, May 31 End of 3rd Quarter/Graduation and Closing Program
School Handbook
2024 - 2025
Welcome to Summer of God Christian School
We, the staff and administration of Summer of God, share your desire to “Train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). We endeavor to reinforce and build upon the Christian principles your children are being taught at home, so that together we can succeed in the training and discipleship, as well as in the academic development of our children.
Brother Piotr Nestertsov, Pastor, 864-276-2233
Oleg Nechitaylo, Assistant Principal, 916-267-9241
Brandon Durgan, Treasurer/Business Mgr., 864-328-8647
Vladislav Balabanov, Building Administrator, 916-792-5586
Susan Athens, Administrator, 864-634-5009
Anastasia Balabanova, Secretary, 916-879-0788
The mission of Summer of God Christian School is to train children up in the fear of the Lord, assisting parents and the church in leading children to Christ as Savior and Lord; to provide the educational, social, and spiritual nurturing children need to be successful and victorious in life; to encourage children to seek, recognize, and develop their God-given talents and abilities and discover God’s will and purpose for their lives; and to bring glory to God and honor the name of Jesus Christ by striving to uphold true Christian values and exhibit godliness in all that we do.
The school and home must agree and cooperate so that the spiritual and academic training of our children will be effective and Christian love must be at the center of all discipline. The responsibility and authority to discipline come from God, and all discipline is designed to show the child that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God “ (Romans 3:23), and to lead him to submit cheerfully to God and His will (Galatians 3:9). Therefore, Christian behavior is expected of all students. If a child is guilty of violating school standards and it has been decided that he is in need of discipline rather than simple correction, it is important that some form of discipline is carried out. While the staff can administer correction and mild disciplinary action, such as break detention, after school detention, and in-school suspension, there may be times when parental discipline is needed to help the student learn positive behavior and succeed at Summer of God Christian School. We ask all parents to help in the learning process of their children by supporting the decisions of the administrators and staff in the area of student discipline, and to follow up at home when the teachers and other staff are encountering discipline problems with your children. As we pray for each other we can enjoy God’s blessing on our efforts.
As a church school, Summer of God Christian School serves primarily the members of Summer of God Slavic Evangelical Church and others in our area who are from a Slavic heritage. The school considers candidates for enrollment, based on the church’s statement of faith and students may be accepted providing the family agrees with the Church’s Statement of Faith, agree to abide by all rules and standards, and pay the required fees. Summer of God Christian School does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, or gender. Requirements for admission include completing an application which must be approved by our Pastor/Principal, supplying all the requested information (names, address, e-mail, and phone numbers of parents or guardians, names, birthdates, and former school enrollment information of applicants), and taking diagnostic placement tests which are used to assign grade level and remedial curricula.
Summer of God Christian School offers programs for K5 through Grade 12, with a maximum enrollment capacity of 12 students per class or a total of 18 - 24 students per learning center. We currently have 7 classrooms and learning centers.
Summer of God Christian School operates as a church school. We use primarily the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) program and Christian Light Publications (CLE) materials, as well as several courses and materials published by Abeka Book, Alpha Omega Publications, and Rod & Staff Publishing, Inc. We use many types of resources, including text books, student consumable workbooks, DVD’s, and online resources to enhance our courses.
In order to pass a course, students must achieve a minimum of a D (60%) on every test. Students are required to review completed tests and make all necessary corrections before proceeding in any course. Students who fail to pass every course in their grade level are required to do remedial work over the summer before being accepted for the next grade level.
National standardized testing is administered in the fall or at the time of enrollment for newly enrolled students, and all students are tested in the spring. In the past we have used the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, the Stanford Achievement Test, and the OLSAT abilities test. Other tests may be used if necessary.
Summer of God Christian School offers students the opportunity to participate in Drama and Music Productions, Art classes, Bible Quiz Team, Art Fair, Science Fair, Social Studies Fair, Spelling Bee, Bible Memory Achievement, and Multi-media Production. We also give extra-curricular credits for outside instruction in such activities as music lessons, physical education (such as participation in community sports programs), and other academic achievements provided the hours of instruction and participation are documented. In addition, Summer of God Christian School schedules educational field trips for students including career, science center programs, museum tours and events, and visits to area farms and businesses.
The school Principal is the Pastor of Summer of God Slavic Evangelical Church and has completed the appropriate ministerial degrees. The school administrator has a bachelor’s degree and has completed the CLE Teacher Training Program and the ACE Teacher Training and Administrator’s Training Programs, and also attends annual educational training conferences, as well as completing various training classes every year. All teachers are required to have High School Diplomas and a high school transcript and records that illustrate high achievement, and are required to complete the ACE Teacher Training Program. All teachers are also required to repeat the Training Programs every five years as well as attend the annual ACE and Educator’s Conventions. Teachers are evaluated annually and encouraged to strive to be models of appropriate professional and Christlike character.
Summer of God Christian School is accredited through a voluntary process that Grace Association of Private Schools has determined this school to be worthy of the trust placed in them and provides high-quality learning and clearly demonstrates continual self-improvement.
The school and faculty is focused on a mission and goals for students; it is student-oriented and examines its students’ performance continuously; it accepts objective evaluation from a team of outside peer professionals trained by Grace Association of Private Schools; it maintains a qualified faculty within an effectively organized school; it collaboratively assesses the quality of its educational programs on a regular basis; and it plans for the future.
According to the commandment of Christ, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:30), all students of Summer of God Christian School are expected to love, honor, and respect all students, parents, and staff and to follow Biblical principles by exhibiting cooperation, submission, and godliness at all times.
Students may not bring onto campus items that are not necessary for classes without the permission of the administration.
Students may not bring electronic devices to school (e.g., electronic games, radios, disc players, toys, iPods, MP3 players, etc.) without permission. Cell phones are permitted for grades 11-12 but must be turned off and kept in the student’s backpack unless the teacher has given permission for its use.
Food and drinks are not permitted in classrooms, hallways, restrooms, recreation areas, or the devotions room without teacher permission. Chewing gum is not permitted anywhere on the school campus.
There is to be no running, pushing, shoving, tripping, or kicking in the building, and no pushing, shoving, tripping, or rough play on the school grounds.
Students must respond promptly to all school bells, and obey all teachers and other staff members.
During devotions, assemblies, classes, and detentions, students must ask to be excused before leaving their place.
Destruction or misuse of school property will not be tolerated. Students will be eligible for suspension or expulsion for deliberate acts, and parents will be expected to pay for all damages.
Students must treat all teachers, aides, and other students with honor, and must exhibit proper Christian behavior; therefore, name calling, inappropriate joking, physical assault, throwing any objects, or playing with toys in class is not permitted.
Students must respect teachers’ and other students’ property, and may not touch others’ things without their permission.
Students must raise their hand or flag and receive permission to speak during class unless conversation is being allowed by the teacher.
Students may not copy another student’s work unless given permission by the teacher (i.e., no cheating).
Students are prohibited from using technology for inappropriate purposes. School computers are intended to enhance education. The Readmaster system rewards are the only allowed electronic games unless further academic programs are added to the school curriculum by the administrator.
Class will ask God’s blessing and give thanks before eating.
Students must stay in their seats while eating and drinking. (No food or drink is allowed in hallways, restrooms, hallways, the devotion room, or outside.)
Students are expected to clean up after themselves when they are through eating, including putting all food away, throwing away trash, and wiping up spills.
A student’s lunch is his or her own property, therefore students are not permitted to touch or eat another student’s food.
Students must stay in areas designated by the teacher or helper.
Students should keep their own and other students’ safety in mind at all times.
Students should exhibit kindness and good sportsmanship, remembering to love your neighbor as yourself and please God at all times.
Students should wear or bring closed shoes for safety when playing outside.
Girls may wear shorts or leggings under their skirt for modesty if desired. RULES FOR DEVOTIONS AND CHAPEL
Devotions are an important part of the day and all students must arrive on time and participate in the morning devotional period.
Students are to be respectful toward whomever is conducting the devotional exercise and pay attention to all speakers.
Students are expected to participate in group recitations, including prayers, Bible memory passages, and singing.
DRESS CODE- A school uniform is not required. Instead, please follow the following dress code:
All students are required to wear a solid color or non-graphic print designed long or short sleeve shirt that covers the chest, shoulder, upper back, and underarm area. Button-down shirts and blouses must button to the neck, and the top button only may be left open. No logos are permitted except the school logo.
Girls are required to wear a skirt that comes at least 1 inch below the knee and conceals the upper leg (i.e., not sheer). Slits in skirts are not permitted unless they are less than six inches long and do not come above the knee.
Boys may wear long pants or shorts that come to the knee. Pants or shorts must be worn at the waist. Pants must be neat in appearance. Skinny jeans and athletic pants are not permitted except during P.E.
Boys may wear athletic pants that come to the knee or longer for P.E.
Girls may wear shorts or leggings under their skirts for recess and P.E.
Closed-toe shoes are required for safety reasons, and heels may not be higher than 2 inches. Boots may be worn but will not be permitted for P.E. or recess. Shoes may have a company logo, but please be discreet in not choosing shoes that have images or characters that do not reflect Christian values.
Jewelry except for wrist watches and engagement rings is not permitted.
Eye makeup, rouge, and dark lip colors is not permitted.
Nail embellishments are not permitted. Only clear nail polish is permitted.
Backpacks, lunch boxes, water and drink bottles, all outerwear, and accessories may not contain graphics, images, or language that is not consistent with Christian values.
Boys’ hair must be above the collar and must be worn off the face. Facial hair is permitted but must be kept neatly trimmed.
Girls’ hairstyles must keep the hair off the face. Head scarves are permitted.
Boys may not wear hats, hoods, or ball caps inside the school building.
Additional rules may be added if deemed necessary.
Level 1 – Break Detention
- For minor classroom disruptions and school violations
Students will be detained for the break following the incident and a corrective action notice will be sent home to parents.
Parents must sign and return the slip the following school day.
Level 2 – After School Detention
- ​For major classroom disruption or disturbance and major school violations
Student will be detained for 30 minutes after school on the same day or as soon as possible. If necessary, the 30 minutes can be served during the next P.E. period.
Parents will be given a Misbehavior Report which must be signed and returned to school.
Level 3 – In-school Suspension
- ​​For on-going class disruption
1 day of student doing his or her work alone in an area outside of classroom.
Student must stay after school to have his or her work checked and may be assigned homework to complete the day’s goals.
Parent will receive a Report of In-school Suspension and will sign and return it to school.
Level 4 – Field Trip Suspension
- ​​If a student receives a Break or After School detention 2 days in a row or 4 days in 1 month, an in-school suspension (1 day or more), or an out-of-school suspension
Student will not be permitted to participate in the next scheduled field trip.
Parent will receive a written notice to sign and return to school.
Level 5 – Out-of-School Suspension
- ​​For repeated Level 1, 2, and 3 offenses
For 1 week student will not be permitted on campus during school hours
Student will be assigned work to complete at home, and assignments must be checked by teacher and any missed tests or other activities must be completed during breaks or after school when the student returns.
Parent will be notified of Suspension and the incident will be recorded in the student’s permanent record file. Parent must sign and return Notice of Suspension form.
Eligibility for Expulsion:
A student shall be eligible for expulsion in the following situations:
- Deliberate use of unacceptable language that is not responding to other discipline
Continual disrespect of other students, teachers, aides, or administrators
On-going disruption of class (talking, disrespect, etc.) that is not responding to other disciplinary measures
Failure to complete schoolwork and/or homework assignments despite warnings
Entering any restricted area of school property
Misusing, destroying or abusing school property
Refusing to obey school behavior/dress standards Expulsion Procedure
Great effort will be taken by teachers and administrators to help correct children’s behavior problems by working with the parents and students. Expulsion is considered a last resort when other measures are not working and/or students are not cooperating
The decision to expel a student will be made with the agreement of the student’s teacher and the principal
The parents will be informed of the decision to expel the student by the principal
The parents will be notified by letter and a conference with the student, parents, and administrators will be scheduled at the parents’ request
A record of the expulsion will be kept in the student’s permanent record
​Re-admittance PolicyFollowing expulsion, a student may be re-admitted to the school if the following conditions are met:
- A conference with the student, parents, teacher and administrators had been held to discuss the problem
Parents support the school’s position on discipline and behavior standards
The student has confessed and asked forgiveness of the teachers, administrators, and other students.
4. The principal, administrator, and teachers are willing to readmit the student.Summer of God Christian School
PARENT PARTICIPATION - Parental involvement in their children’s school is very important to school staff and to the children. All parents are expected to attend parent orientation, monthly parent meetings, open houses, and report card and awards ceremonies. Parents and other relatives and friends encouraged to volunteer their time to enhance the school program and enrich the school experience for the students. Options for volunteering include participation on the Promotion Committee, Field Trip Committee, Fundraising Committee, Fellowship Committee, and Merit Store/Pantry Committee; assisting with Student Competitions; daily morning monitoring; cleaning and maintenance, etc. A form will be available at orientation for parents to indicate their interest in volunteering.
Pre-Scheduled Absences (Family issues, hospitalization, etc.)
Please speak with your child’s teacher or send a signed note at least one week before the first day of the planned absence period so that teachers can plan how the student can make up the missed lessons.
If it is not possible to notify the school one week in advance, please notify us as soon as possible.
For Illnesses and Emergencies
Please call your child’s teacher by 8:30 a.m. to explain the cause of the absence. If you do not call before 8:30, the morning monitor will call you to be sure you are aware that your child did not come to school.
If possible, you should pick up make-up work for your child to do for homework or arrange for someone to pick it up and bring it home for you.
Please send a signed note back to school with the student when he or she returns to school. Students who are repeatedly absent may be at risk of failing their courses which may result in loss of high school credits or failing to pass to the next grade at the end of the year.
If absences exceed 20 in one school year, the student will be eligible for expulsion.
For lateness we will follow the following procedure:
- Please arrive by 8:30 a.m. so that the late comers do not disrupt classes or devotion. Late comers will be required to stay in class during break or after school to make up the lost time.
2. There will be an exception for scheduled latenesses for appointments or special circumstances.
Please try to have your child in school on time every day and avoid absences and lateness.
1. Students should arrive at school after 8:00 a.m., and before 8:30 a.m. If you need to drop your child off at school before 8:00 you must make arrangements by notifying the school secretary. There is usually a staff member on duty at 7:45.
2. Please enter the school property from the Murray Avenue entrance and pull up along the left side of the driveway to the end of the sidewalk or behind the vehicle in front of you. You may leave your vehicle to walk your children to the door or stay until you see them enter the building. A staff member will be on duty at the door. Please do not linger but exit onto Towers Street as quickly as possible to make room for others in the drop-off line and avoid a bottleneck at the Murray Avenue entrance. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE PARKING LOT FROM THE TOWEERS STREET ENTRANCE.
3. If you need to come into the building or are planning to speak with a staff member, please pull around to the parking area and park
4. Student dismissal is at 3:00 p.m. When you arrive, please follow the same procedure – enter the school property from the Murray Avenue entrance, pull up along the left side of the driveway along the sidewalk, and exit by the Towers Street entrance. Students will not be dismissed early without prior arrangements. Contact the school secretary to make arrangements for early dismissal. If you need to come into the building or plan to speak with a staff member or another parent, please park in the parking area.
All persons who come to Summer of God Christian School as volunteers for purposes including teaching art, music, drama or PE classes, helping teachers in classrooms, monitoring classrooms, hallways, the lunchroom, or play areas, must abide by the following principles:
Kindly dress according to the principles of modesty and respect for Christian values, observing the following standards:
Ladies’ skirts or dresses must come at least one inch below the knee.
Ladies’ tops must cover the chest, shoulder, upper back, and underarm area.
Boys’ and men’s pants must come to the knee and shirts must cover the chest, shoulder, and underarm area,
Please be careful that any logos, text, or designs honor the Lord.
Please remember that you are an example to the students, therefore, please abide by all Biblical instructions for godliness, including principles of modesty, headship, and simplicity.
​Please turn your cell phone or iPhone off when you are in class or chapel unless you are using it for your lesson, and do not use your phone when you are responsible for monitoring students.
Please be aware that supervising children under your care requires your full attention. Please do not try to attend to personal needs without requesting a substitute to take responsibility for your duties.
2024 - 2025
SOGCS desires parents and students to be of one mind with the school staff in understanding the purpose and policies of the school. Consequently, we ask parents to affirm that they have read the Summer of God Christian School Handbook before the beginning of the school year and agree to support the school in matters that may arise. Students are also asked to be familiar with this handbook and to affirm this by their signature (when possible). Parents need to fill in and sign the appropriate spaces below indicating that the handbook has been read and that agreement has been made to support the enforcement of all policies and procedures. Please sign and return to the school by September 1. Thank you for your cooperation.